Sunday 28 February 2010

No. 15 (jobless + 57 days)

M is my boyfriend and he is a Creative. Everyone wants to be a flipping creative these days but M actually is one. It’s in his blood. He’s a musician.

He sits for hours with his fancy computer programmes and sliding bits (technical terms) creating catchy tunes and epic songs. I am in awe of his dedication and motivation; he literally has to be dragged away from his desk. We barter. You can work till one in the morning every night, provided you take the weekend off.
I feel like I am in a joint custody arrangement with Logic Pro 9, his music software. Logic Pro 9 gets M in the week; I get M weekends, school holidays and for special occasions.

I, on the other hand, am like the sloth of creativity, the snail of scribes. I am easily distracted. So these are a few things I have been distracting myself with of late:

1. True Blood – series one

As if I even need to explain. It’s vampire soft porn set in the Deep South. Complete with fang banging, humans getting high on vampire blood, slutty Southern boys and Alexander Skarsgaard. Seriously, what is there not to love about this show?

2. The Reluctant Fundamentalist - Mohsin Hamid

Beautiful, lyrical and tense, this book is the monologue of Changez, a bearded Pakistani who meets an American stranger in a cafe in Lahore to whom Changez tells tales of his fractured relationship with America and the West. Proper good.

3. An Education

Carey Mulligan, how I love thee in this film with your pretty brown eyes, amazing up-do and caustic one liners. Plus, another Skarsgaard (Peter)....hurrah!

4. Millennium Trilogy – Steig Larson

These are the kind of books which you consume. I ripped through the pages of the three hefty tomes as fast as I could, desperate to discover what happened to the implausible and overly sexed characters. Then I finished and felt a bit dirty.

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